Actualise your Dreams. Take Responsibility for your Goals; your Life Potential 💗💫 28-Minutes.


Actualise your Dreams. Take Responsibility for your Goals; your Life Potential 💗💫 28-Minutes.



Actualise your Dreams.
Take Responsibility for your Goals & your Life Potential 💗💫

A series of inductions take you into trance, including a confusional induction. Positive suggestions follow. Written by Tessa Bali.

Be inspired & confident in your ability to move forward with your potential. You may find writing down your insights useful, following this session. Make plans to realise your potential. Be actively involved in visualising & actualising your dreams. Believe you have already broken through any boundaries that once held you back.

Guiding Questions:
Where were you when you were with more love, joy & gratitude than you knew possible?
Q: What reliable, lovely things do you desire to draw into your life?
Q: How did you get there? (Working backwards).
Q: What are your realistic goals and how will you achieve them?
Q: What do you want more of, and less of, and what can you change?

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