You do not need to know what is holding you back – the Healing InSight Method helps you find the perfect alignment to release resistance and allow expansion.
Belief change is enabled through a blend of energy healing and energy psychology principles including Qigong, Kinesiology, whole-brain integration, visualisation and dialogue between the head, heart and gut. It utilises Wuji (an emptiness of form that contains potential) … helping you to positively transform your beliefs and your life.
The method can be used as a tool for daily life or for immersion into deep healing. It enables explorations of your unconscious programs, allowing limits or blocks you are unaware of to come into consciousness, in order to be released.
During Hypnosis you’ll discover a past-life, easily, guided by my gentle questioning.
The aim of PLR is to find understanding of an aspect of a current-life situation that is challenging.
If we choose to take a vaccine, a needle phobia becomes an obstacle to be removed, an unnecessary anxiety to be overcome, so that we can receive a vaccination freely.
Four, one-hour Clinical Hypnotherapy online sessions, with Tessa Bali, Clinical Hypnotherapist. Taking private bookings for 2020. January 2021 course dates coming soon.
If there are aspects of the past-life that need healing, we bring healing to this aspect. If reunions are necessary, reunions happen and closure can occur.
Not falling in love, but rising in love. Numbers and times telling me clearly that I am supported and held. Inspired to write sessions that do not borrow from books.
As a result of the current climates, therapy is becoming more rewarding & more effective.
Focus on: REBT & Regression Therapy. Clinical Hypnotherapist Tessa Bali guides you into a trance state that is helpful for your self-healing and personal progress.
Two unique one-hour Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions, online, focusing on Timeline Therapy. Followed by half-hour where the group can share and learn from their experiences.
The session is called “Regression: Expand your Mastery & Expand your Joy! Freedom from Destructive Competition & Anxiety” and is a reminder that we can Master what we set our minds to! It contains three confidence enhancing metaphors: The Cloud, The Pyramid & The Lake.
Three unique one-hour online Hypnosis sessions, followed by half-hour where the group can share and learn from their experiences.
I look forward to welcoming clients in-clinic soon. In the meantime, there’s bound to be a rush for touch-therapy so feel free to book in advance.
Remote & online therapies are up & running better than ever, with a massive increase in Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions & people seeking assistance from the comfort of their Home. Remote therapies are massively successful. One silver lining from the current climate is that therapy is much more easily accessible. I look forward to working with you.
It is not possible to think of “lack & fear”, whilst simultaneously holding thoughts of “abundance & ease”. Choose your focus.
Given the alarming death rate due to Covid-19, I am offering this Hypnotherapy Session, “Death Bed/Chair”, free of charge.
Now, more than ever it’s the small things that count
The beauty of the blossom that will fade
The magpies that stay in twos
The quieter streets with less pollution
The Earth being able to breathe by itself again 💗
The method helps you realise your own power in creating. It empowers you. You become your own hero. Your old beliefs may be old programmes ... they are not who you are. Old patterns can be cleared, sometimes with resistance, but they can be cleared.
I was recently reminded of the nature of depression, it’s stagnant perhaps stuck energy, and how Lomilomi massage can so effectively move and change this energy, helping it to re-circulate and re-stablish a more comfortable flow.
Either write your new beliefs with my help having identified your old beliefs ... or muscle test through your Chakras to find the priority belief best for you to align with right now.