Clear your Path to Healing: Learning from Resistance – The Loyal Opposition; Release Negative Emotions. 56-Minutes.


Clear your Path to Healing: Learning from Resistance – The Loyal Opposition; Release Negative Emotions. 56-Minutes.


MP3: 56-Minutes

Session 7. 8th July 2020

Make friends and compromise with the part of you that has resistance!

Could there be something(s) holding you back from your self-healing & obtaining the life you want for yourself? There is usually resistance before healing occurs & before we can move forward into our bliss.

Admit to yourself how you are comfortable with your life now!

Explore what “hidden gains”/“secondary gains” is preventing your full advance. “Secondary gains” is a hidden, often unconscious benefit to holding onto a problem that may be on-going. Are there ANY benefits of holding onto what might also hurt? Is there perhaps a small part of you that gains in holding onto this issue?

Then reject negativity in favour of emotions and feeling in-line with higher vibration qualities, like hope & potential.

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