Delighted to be leading group hypnosis, online! with Light Centre.
Register at:
When booking via Light Centre, you will be sent a link to the session. Ensure you have zoom downloaded on your laptop.
Drop-in just £6/class.
You will first need to enrol by emailing with your proof.
Session is 40 – 60 minutes.
Alternatively, book directly with me by clicking below by 7pm (GMT) on Wednesday. £6 per session. Tip optional.
For the fortnightly subject announcement & MP3s of each session … letting the positive suggestions really sink in:
The New Wednesday Evenings Hypnotherapy Agenda*: potential session subjects:
The Prominent Tree Metaphor. (For enhancing self-esteem, self-efficacy & confidence.)
Meeting an Inner Advisor. (For all seeking guidance on any matter.)
Special Place. (For stress reduction & feel-good feelings.)
Permissive Induction/Progressive Relaxation. (For stress reduction & deep relaxation.)
Anima & Animus. (For everything. Decide on a presenting issue. Works well for people having difficulty finding relationships. Promotes right/left brain co-operation. Helps you discover your inner masculine & inner feminine.)
Timeline Therapy. (Release negative feelings, resolve issues, and future visualisation.)
Grey Room Technique. (Mop-up worries, unhelpful emotions & beliefs.)
Tackling Insomnia.
Dream Incubation. (Write down a problem, place it under your pillow ... for problem-solving dreams.)
Simple Dissociation Technique. (For changing behaviour or habit.)
Albert Ellis – Anxiety Reduction.
Harry Stanton – REBT (Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy.)
Creative Mothering – Regression Therapy. (For meeting your inner child and giving them what they needed.)
The White Room. (Can be adapted to instruct the superconscious to heal specific ailments eg. cancer, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, auto-immune diseases – so please specify if you want Tessa to include reference to your ailment. Align with Universal Truth, peace & love, healing & acceptance.)
Session like Past-Life Regression, Performance Enhancement & Weight Change won't be included in the group online sessions, as they are best suited to private, individual therapy.
* not necessarily in this order.
See you there!