Well! 2021 has, for me, moved from an utterly bleh start, so being absolutely splendid.
Letting you know that I am training to be a Healing InSight Method Practitioner (Using Chakras for Belief Change). I have trained with the creator of the method, Nikki Gresham-Record. If you are interested in changing your limited beliefs, and fully integrating your new beliefs, I can recommend this therapy. I have used it myself and witnessed many use the therapy with amazing life-changing results. Reading the book about the method is a very good start: buy the book: “Working with Chakras for Belief Change: The Healing InSight Method”. The book for me was a good start to understanding the method. I then felt that experiencing the method was the next step. I received the therapy with Nikki and worked on changing one particular belief. I can honestly say that the new belief that I discovered by using the method, has manifested beautiful new people and experiences into my reality, one year on.
If you would like to help me with my Healing Insight case studies, do get in touch my emailing littlesteps@tessabaliholistic.com. You can also let me know if you would like to receive this extraordinary therapy by also emailing me at the same address.
You may like to have a think about a limited belief you feel is restricting your progress. If you cannot put a limited belief into words … that’s just fine, as the method works to discover your priority beliefs that are best for you to align with.
I will be continuing the Past-Life Regression Therapy Special Offer for booking in October and November 2021, while I have availability – £350 for the therapy package, which is up to 5-hours. Regression therapy is deep and powerful work. Recent clients have been amazed at the results.
I am introducing a FOUR HOUR Lomilomi Hawaiian Massage, for clients who want a full energetic re-set. Inspired by the times I have received such treatments and of course felt the amazing results myself.
I’m also pursuing my interest in Soul Midwifery, having recently taken a course with Felicity Warner … amazing to learn about the four stages of death, that we may all encounter.
I am abroad from 15th Sept until 11th Oct (also taking part in a retreat with the magical Astrologer extraordinaire! Kaypatcha! in Ibiza (via the Azores), so I look forward to gaining insights on the astrology of Relationships in the meantime.
I have availability on October and November’s Little Steps Hypnobirthing Course, so get in touch!
Oh and I’m pursuing a Counselling qualification avenue.
All the Best,