Four, one-hour Clinical Hypnotherapy online sessions, with Tessa Bali, Clinical Hypnotherapist.
SESSION ONE: Clear your Path to Healing: Learning from Resistance – The Loyal Opposition & Release Negative Emotions.
SESSION TWO: The Grey Room Technique for Emotional Clearing.
SESSION THREE: Actualise your Dreams. Take Responsibility for your Goals & your Life Potential.
SESSION FOUR: Ripe for Realisation. The End of Self-Doubt. Home with Heart.
It is not essential that you have previous hypnotic experience to attend this course.
Next group course will be in January 2021 … dates coming soon!
Private course bookings welcome.
Session recordings are included in the price of the Course so that you can continue to repeat this course of sessions independently.
£234 investment for 4–6 hours of remote therapy with Tessa Bali.
Usual price £380-£570
Clinical Hypnotherapist Tessa Bali guides you into a trance state that is helpful for your self-healing and personal progress.
Four unique one-hour online Clinical Hypnotherapy sessions, followed by half-hour where the group can share and learn from their experiences.
Sessions begin with Hypnotic Inductions that bring on trance either quickly or slowly. Deep states can be achieved easily resulting in less recall of the session, therefore session recordings are available following each session.
Send Tessa an email: if you are booking onto the course and would like some or all of the sessions to also be in-person at Light centre, Belgravia. This can be arranged and is the way things are thankfully moving.
SESSION ONE: Clear your Path to Healing: Learning from Resistance – The Loyal Opposition & Release Negative Emotions.
Make friends and compromise with the part of you that has resistance!
Could there be something(s) holding you back from your self-healing & obtaining the life you want for yourself? There is usually resistance before healing occurs & before we can move forward into our bliss.
Admit to yourself how you are comfortable with your life now!
Explore what hidden gains/secondary gains is preventing your full advance.Secondary gains is a hidden, often unconscious benefit to holding onto a problem that may be on-going. Are there ANY benefits of holding onto what might also hurt? Is there perhaps a small part of you that gains in holding onto this issue?
Then reject negativity in favour of emotions and feeling in-line with higher vibration qualities, like hope & potential.
"I could feel a lot of crud just dissipating. I felt the hole (that disposed of past negative emotions), closed all by itself – on the stuff that builds up over time ... being washed away. That was really very pleasant actually. It was lovely. Thank you." — Clinical Hypnotherapy Workshop Attendee – The Grey Room Technique.
SESSION TWO: The Grey Room Technique for Emotional Clearing.
The Grey Room Technique for Emotional Clearing. Technique for purging the subconscious of negative thought & emotional energies. Mop-up unhelpful emotions, worry & old beliefs. Emotionally & energetically cleansing. Move forward strong.
Beginning with the Elman Induction & concluding with Ego-Strengthening.
SESSION THREE: Actualise your Dreams. Take Responsibility for your Goals & your Life Potential
A series of inductions take you into trance, including a confusional induction. Positive suggestions follow. Written by Tessa Bali.
Be inspired & confident in your ability to move forward with your potential. You may find writing down your insights useful, following this session. Make plans to realise your potential. Be actively involved in visualising & actualising your dreams. Believe you have already broken through any boundaries that once held you back.
Guiding Questions to focus on following the session:
Q: Where were you when you were with more love, joy & gratitude than you knew possible?
Q: What reliable, lovely things do you desire to draw into your life?
Q: How did you get there? (Working backwards).
Q: What are your realistic goals and how will you achieve them?
Q: What do you want more of, and less of, and what can you change?
SESSION FOUR: 27 OCTOBER 2020: Ripe for Realisation. The End of Self-Doubt. Home with Heart.
There is no more space for self-doubt as you fully believe in your ability to make good choices and make change happen in your life, where you want it. With less need to compromise where it is no longer necessary. You now have the tools to break through your boundaries and to write your own story.
Download FREE background delta wave sounds that are a pleasant, calming addition to play during sessions, although not essential:
You may have insights and visualisations in hypnosis. It can help to share this, bringing things into the open, allowing interpretation, and gaining further insight and ideas from your experience. Write down your insights. Share them if you wish and learn from your and others' interpretations.
Note: Clinical Hypnotherapy 1:1 Sessions differ from “Group Online Hypnosis” as they are tailored, often written for the client specifically, whereas the latter is aimed at the collective group wellbeing.