Session a: 21 July: Albert Ellis Anti-Anxiety. An irreverent approach.
Session b: 28 July: The Grey Room Technique for Emotional Clearing.
Session c: 4 August: Anima & Animus & Night Tape: Healing Dream Incubation.
This course has already run. You can request a re-run of the course of sessions, or buy the MP3s.
Course Outline:
Dates: 21 & 28 July & 4 August 2020.
Clinical Hypnotherapist Tessa Bali guides you into a trance state that is helpful for your self-healing and personal progress.
Three unique one-hour online Hypnosis sessions, followed by half-hour where the group can share and learn from their experiences.
Sessions begin with Hypnotic Inductions that bring on trance either quickly or slowly. Deep states can be achieved easily resulting in less recall of the session, therefore session recordings are available following each session.
Session 1.
Albert Ellis Anti-Anxiety is an irreverent approach to Anxiety-Relief. Positive suggestions include the elegant acceptance of anxiety. Desperately fighting anxiety and awfulizing anxiety will in fact cause more tension and anxiety. Session offers new strategies for moving through anxiety and letting it reduce appreciably. Resulting in feeling increasingly free of upset, with a new take on the control you have of your thoughts and feelings.
Session 2.
The Grey Room Technique for Emotional Clearing. Technique for purging the subconscious of negative thought & emotional energies. Mop-up unhelpful emotions, worry & old beliefs. Emotionally & energetically cleansing. Move forward strong.
Session 3.
Anima & Animus*. Balance & Reclaim your Inner Masculine & Feminine. PLUS: Night Tape: Healing Dreams** & Raising Self-Esteem.
*Effective for those seeking new relationships or with relationship challenges.
Visualise your inner masculine & inner feminine, gain greater familiarity with them and be surprised by what you may discover! Let your subconscious mind give you the answers to how they can work better together, learning what each others' needs are and leaving them fulfilled and integrated. Relates to and improves left and right brain hemisphere integration.
**This session receives excellent feedback. An attendee who had though she had “fallen asleep” in the session … reported that she had a significant dream the night following the session. (The session contains a suggestion that the listener receive a “healing dream to nurture mind, body & spirit”…) This suggests that although you may think you have fallen “asleep” … you are actually in a deep hypnotic trance state; and your subconscious mind is receiving and using the helpful suggestions for your benefit.
The communal or private sharing of hypnotic experiences:
You may have insights and visualisations in hypnosis. It can help to share this, bringing things into the open, allowing interpretation, and gaining further insight and ideas from your experience. Write down your insights. Share them if you wish and learn from your and others' interpretations.