Aloha all,
Super excited to share info on a new course I'm doing this weekend – March 2020. The Healing In-Sight method. No I'm not on commission! But I do know Nikki Gresham-Record and have read her book about her new healing method. I'm ready to do the work.
More on the method:
I'm doing this two day course with the intension to train later to help others with the method which involves identifying your limiting beliefs and re-aligning vibrationally with beliefs that support your development, using muscle testing, chakras & hemispheric brain integration. In a nutshell, working with your Chakras, for Belief Change.
What has motivated me to do this work, on myself, and eventually others … despite knowing about this new method for some time? A growing number of clients who approach me and people that I know personally are depressed and struggling with old stories. I want to help people to help themselves, with the necessary tools. Old beliefs that we hold about ourselves are just that – old beliefs. Patterns can be broken and new pathways opened up, for the lives that we choose to visualise for ourselves and make real.
Time to step up! 🌈🦋