Now, more than ever, our lung health is so very important.

List your Loves – In Adversity

List your Loves – In Adversity

Now, more than ever it’s the small things that count
The beauty of the blossom that will fade
The magpies that stay in twos
The quieter streets with less pollution
The Earth being able to breathe by itself again 💗

Encouragement. Fearlessness. Hypnotic musings on isolation & Freedom

Fearless is the new fabulous.
Now “fearless and flowing”, the lights are on, the mist clears.
And as you read this, it gets easier
To create your new reality
Obstacles are fun
Trauma? Triumphs!
We’re evolving into care and kindness
Where only that will do
Where health and wellbeing are everything
and support networks are there to catch us if we try to fall through.
But if we fall – we fall spectacularly!
and held by such kindness if we just allow it,
and ask for a little bit of help here,
a little bit of encouragement there.

We’re in a stream, a flowing, rich stream of crystal clear water.
Marooned on a stone slab – a stepping stone in the middle of the rush.
What do we do when isolated?
Not sure if we should step forward?
We can take a little holiday; right where we are
And see what floats towards us.
If we wait.
If we ask.
Gifts come rushing towards us from upstream,
where networks and intelligence are in place.
– Set off by kind people,
Baskets with all that we need and desire.
And why not!
We too can send off bundles of goodies and re-establish trust
& faith in humanity.
Faith in the structures in place.
Morooned – but safe and spoilt with abundance,
shared, appreciated, and shared on.

There is no need to struggle
When we focus on our hearts and love
Being stranded is mere opportunity
to create what’s yet to come.

Be positive – the days are not all dark.
Light always wins
there is no battle
Just easy steps, to breeze upon
There’s always breath
and connecting to that.
If it seems overwhelming
we need just ask
for a step up, up and over!
to the bright, open field by the wood
That goes on, and on for as long as we wish it to.

Tessa Bali.
March 2020.
“Corona isolation & finding personal freedom.”

Photo credit: Rahul Dey, unsplash

Relief from Depression with Lomilomi Hawaiian Massage

Relief from Depression with Lomilomi Hawaiian Massage

I was recently reminded of the nature of depression, it’s stagnant perhaps stuck energy, and how Lomilomi massage can so effectively move and change this energy, helping it to re-circulate and re-stablish a more comfortable flow.


Death Bed / Chair Therapy is a one hour Hypnotherapy session.

Death Bed/Chair Therapy is helpful for:
1. Eradicating all unwanted feelings of guilt & fear
2. Coming to terms with a bereavement
3. Closure for issues with people passed on
4. Forgiveness & closure for issues with people causing current discomfort & stress
5. Achieving forgiveness for people who have hurt or harmed you
6. Achieving forgiveness of self

During the session you are given the option to disempower the person that is currently causing you distress, or that has caused distress in the past. If using this session to come to terms with a bereavement, you will simply allow the person in question to enter your awareness. You can confront them openly, say what you need to say, perhaps describe what they have done to you, and perhaps for you. A session also helpful when you feel you have left some things unsaid …

Closure and healing can be gained by safely confronting the person or issue and exploring what you really want to say to them in a safe environment, where they cannot hurt you, and can only respond if you invite them to.

Take one person and put them in that chair … that person can’t talk to you, touch you or get out of that chair … … all they can do is listen to you … tell them what they didtell them the impact they had on your life

In this session it’s possible to discover more deep emotions around the person or issue that you choose as the subject. As an example, a client whose father had died within that year, had thought before the chair therapy session, that she had forgiven her father for his being in her eyes, not a fantastic father. She thought she had done the work, spoken it through with counsellors, thought she had decided to forgive her father for mostly not being there for her, for hurting her and disrupting her life. HOWEVER in the trance during the session, when asked if she did forgive her father, she found herself tongue-tied … a mute response, which indicated that there was something that she still needed to forgive. So giving her the opportunity to re-think whether she forgave her father. Perhaps she had forgiven him for some but not all of his actions. Perhaps she could gain from not forgiving him for some things as a way of protection in her life going forward … if some actions are unforgivable she could and would avoid them later in life and not go though the pain he had put her through in the past.

Why forgive? Not forgiving is like taking poison yourself and expecting the other person to die. Do not try this at home … Forgiveness will make you feel absolutely terrific!

Take one person who hurt you the most and put them in that chair … that person can’t talk to you, touch you or get out of that chair … in fact they are tied down … all they can do is listen to you … tell them what they did … and how they upset you ……

Take one person who hurt you the most and put them in that chair … that person can’t talk to you, touch you or get out of that chair … in fact they are tied down … all they can do is listen to you … tell them what they did … and how they upset you … tell them the impact they had on your life …

A Past-Life Regression Success Story

But first: Serving yourself and others. Thoughts from the long weekend.

It’s natural for us to serve others before we serve ourselves. It’s a skill to learn – when to pause and take time to love, nurture and serve ourselves. Often the symptoms of needing rest are physical, muscular, emotional. Taking time to be still, and listen to what our bodies are telling us is important. It’s easy in a city like London to forget to listen to the signs. To push or power through. Sometimes forgetting that soft is actually strong.

It works vice versa. There comes a time when we may have taken in enough yoga, enough meditation, enough “time off” … “Project: Me” also has it’s own timeframe, it’s own space. Enough of a dose of self-love to satisfy your bliss, until the next round. (Although consistency and balance is of course quite key, and ideal.) But indulgence, the sweet indulgence in the things that we love to do, in the things that nurture our bodies, our energies, our chi, or minds and our spirits. That is why we’re here on this perfect planet. We only need to allow ourselves to open the doors to our bliss … to rid ourselves of anything holding us back, so we can move forward and be our potential.

Dreams come true.

This long weekend I’ve decided to stop chasing. To stop moving. To stop needing to be somewhere for someone else. I’ve listened to the emotions that have bubbled up in the pauses in between busy life and was inspired to share a client’s success story, with her permission.

Actual Progress. Actual Success. Dreams come true. Be careful what you wish for … and what you ask for.

Friday saw a client be married to her dear partner. So radiantly beautiful, basking in the glory of her femininity, of her power, so graceful on her wedding day. Knowing how much she has wanted to “just be … married”, we were celebrating not only a marriage on Friday, but our collective ability to achieve the things that we set our hearts to, when we apply ourselves, are honest with ourselves and others, and are perfectly ourselves. An example of having the courage to know what we want and asking for it.

In 2018 the blushing bride (LKR) had taken a Past-Life Regression Session in which she revealed a wish – to be married. Amongst other wishes.

The whole point of Past-Life Regression Therapy is for you to bring to the session a challenge you are currently experiencing. A limiting belief, something that you feel is holding you back. A problem to be solved, so that you can find why this is happening and what it can reveal for you … how you are developing as a soul and can continue to develop. You can discover how this issue is a continuation of what your soul has seen and done in a past-life.

Run over the hurdles the right way. Success is only ever the next step.

In my experience we can sabotage our own success at times by bringing up “dummy” issues. These are current-life issues that are not the deep issues that need to heal.

Why can people initially bring dummy issues to the session?

Because success can be scarrie! With success comes new open doors, new worlds to enter, new challenges and responsibilities (see book Success Intelligence: Timeless Wisdom for a Manic Society by Robert Holden). Until we’re ready to proceed, we can often freeze at the last hurdle when success is just around the corner. These “dummy” issues serve as a distraction from the real issue. I can, as a therapist, question if your, for example, occasional binge eating is your actual issue, but deep down you will realise when you are ready, that there could be, for example, a sadness brought about perhaps ancestrally, that needs to be cleared energetically, so that you can bring this pattern into your awareness for it to be healed. And then you can share your healing story to help others.

My now married client, LKR was a good example of coming to a session with a dummy issue. The good thing about the nature of past-life regression healing is that multiple things can be revealed and healed in one session. In her own words, “I went to see Tessa with the issue of a poor sense of professional worth, which is reflected in an ongoing trend of bad finances. Although sceptical at first, Tessa gradually put me into a deep trance which was a welcome relaxation in itself, but then dug really deep to make subtle suggestions … and eventually uncovered my deep personal unconscious trends.” A poor sense of professional worth wasn’t the only or dominant issue. The actual issue was: Not valuing her time and worth properly, under-valuing herself and not fully accepting money owed to her. Both asking for and accepting money/energy/reward was the issue. We discovered that her desire for peace was greater than her desire for reward (in her past-life).

The many things discovered about LKR’s past-life explained her current issues and desires. In her past-life LKR had wanted to experience a marriage and family of her own, and hadn’t. Until 23rd August 2019! A beautiful example of soul progression. With a new awareness of her past-life desire to marry and pro-create, that was unfulfilled, and the dissatisfaction that came with this, we are able to see the soul’s intelligence and progress, throughout lives.

That is not all! Much more was revealed in the session.

Example Revelations from this session:

In the past-life, LKR:

Didn’t feel as though (he) had any power… LKR: “I don’t have that kind of voice or power … don’t want to blow my chances” … (LKR was afraid of confrontation, of asking for what’s due, in her past-life) … “Maybe if I got married I’d have asked for more”…..

In this life LKR:

This is echoed in LKR’s speech impediment which she had as a young girl. Perhaps a short-lived echo of a past where she didn’t feel heard.

In the past-life, LKR:

Wants to be acclaimed, recognised and celebrated for the (scientific research) that he does. Wants to be in the limelight. Wants to write his book.

In this life LKR:

Is an acclaimed, recognised and celebrated architectural lighting designer! And continually creates visual books/sketchbooks.

In the past-life, LKR:

Regretted not being married. He was too loyal to his Master/the person he worked for.

In this life LKR:

Is married.

In the past-life, LKR:

Worked for people that took an element of credit for the hard work that he did. Desires to have his own business but doesn’t.

In this life LKR:

Also works for people that take an element of credit for the work done. Only LKR realises now, that the painting, original drawings and calligraphy work that she has a talent for in this life, cannot be credited to anybody other than herself. LKR now has the facility to have her own business and does work for herself when it suits her.

Personal insight gained: LKR is lucky to be a woman. To be creative, more powerful and can ask for what she wants. (This insight was freely offered in the trance by LKR, from her deep subconscious).

Personal insight/affirmation gained: LKR has a new, powerful voice and can now ask for what she wants!

Click here for an example of a Past-Life Regression Summary Script.

The above summary script was written for LKR following the Past-Life Regression main session, to install new findings.

To book a therapeutic session with Tessa email her at littlesteps@tessabaliholistic.com or call 07947 849 602.

A confidential consultation form will follow.

For Hypnotherapy and Past-Life Regressions, a consultation can take place over the phone at an arranged time.

Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

What is Holy Fire Reiki?

Introduced by the ICRT in 2014, it is a new form of Reiki and is both powerful and gentle and provides purification, healing and empowerment and guidance.

– Can burn negative energy

– Releases unwanted spirits/energy

– Does a purifying, health check

– Strengthens

– Gives Peace, vitality, confidence

– Is loving and nurturing

– Can give warm/hot feelings over parts or whole of body

– Enables Spirital guidance

– Releases judgemental patterns

– Is Spiritual freedom & happiness

This style of Reiki has unlimited potential in terms of healing your issues and developing your spiritual nature. It works directly with your Spirit and because of this has the potential of developing higher levels of consciousness within you. This includes developing the qualities of joy, peace, love, compassion, the ability to forgive others and yourself, become non-judgmental and creating a tremendous feeling of spiritual freedom and happiness. Those who have followed this path, have found it to open into an amazing opportunity for the continual unfoldment of all the qualities that are healthy for a person to have.

The Reiki Holy Fire energy is noticeably more refined and comes from a higher level of consciousness. Some of the qualities that have been experienced:

– Works continuously even when not thinking about it and spontaneously heals issues as they come up.

– Always respects free will.

– Heals deeply and quickly without distress.

– Heals relationships and interactions with others.

– Releases worry and replaces it with a sense of safety in a most pronounced way.

– Spontaneously provides guidance that is palatable for every level of life experience.

– Tends to develop all the personality traits that are healthy for a person to have such as love of self and others, kindness, patience, confidence, vitality, enthusiasm, optimism, trust, joy, peace and so forth.

– One of the more wonderful effects is a feeling of being loved. This is a deep and refined nurturing feeling.

– Once received, it continues to develop itself to be more evolved and effective.

Contact Tessa to receive a Reiki Holy Fire Treatment or to learn how you yourself can learn to give Reiki Holy Fire as a practitioner.

Usui/Holy Fire III Reiki (Master Teacher Level) ... COMPLETE!

I choose not to feel “down” in my “down- time”!
Time is precious after all 🙏🏽

Instead, in the spaces in-between, I have chosen to expand my therapeutic offering.

Being a freelance design contractor, as well as a holistic therapist, I’m learning to take the spaces in-between design contracts as opportunities to GROW and develop myself, when I can. There must be a reason, after all, that I’m in a body whose blood feels so thoroughly like I’m my own boss – I honestly feel it’s in my blood to move around and learn from different clients, to be my own boss, despite the challenges and need for occasional relentless hunts for work in-between contracts. I think and feel that finding my own luck is in my DNA.

Basically, I was born to the people I was born to, with the blood and instincts that I have, in order for me to grow best with the challenges that these things bring. I believe this for all people.

Where does this drive come from? As my father once explained … My father and my father’s father lived in Istanbul, (my grandfather) started his working life working as a dyeing technician in probably the most important textile factory at that time. They called him, “the master of dyeing’’, due to his vast knowledge in that field, that he acquired in Germany. When he was 40 years old, in 1947, the year (my father) was born, he founded his own (with a partner) dyeing and finishing (yarns and fabrics) factory, actually next to the factory he used to work for. A few years later, in addition to his partnership in the dyeing factory and this time on his own, he formed a towel weaving factory. Therefore, (my grandfather had) always been a textile manufacturer. He died when he was 56 years old, in 1963, when my father, now also passed, was about 16 years old. He was a hard working man, a wonderful man in every point of view. Liked and respected by everyone. This information my father shared with me. It’s nice to know where I, and my instincts come from. Not everyone has this luxury.

I digress. Slightly. So I’m grateful for this drive to be self-sufficient. It means I can grow on a spiritual level by expanding my offerings as a therapist. The therapy work is what I love. Design work is fun but my motivation for it is to pay my way. Therapy helps people more immediately so is more rewarding.

Thanks to B-J Raben at Sophiero Healing for providing the space and training for the Reiki Holy Fire III placements/ignitions, and teacher training. I’ve learnt the difference between the attunements used in Usui -style Reiki … and the placements/ignitions involved in Holy Fire -style Reiki. The latter doesn’t require direct contact between the Teacher Master and student. This makes the energy purer as there is no opportunity for ego or any blockages to hinder the process. The energy comes directly from Source. The process of the course was very meditative, allowing time and space to feel our way to new insights and potential directions for our authentic selves.

Holy Fire Reiki, is Usui Reiki, plus adaptations. William Lee Rand was guided to introduce Holy Fire in 2014. Holy Fire is reported to be a more refined, nurturing, loving feeling, that works continuously within you. It spontaneously heals, without distress or angst. It respects free will, works with relationships and brings guidance. Supportive with your own intuition, it helps develop self-love, enthusiasm and patience. And brings us into our Authentic Self.

I had so many insights during this training that are only just starting to settle with me. Having written them down, it will be interesting to see how far these insights will go. I knew when I did my Usui Reiki Master Level, that I was “ready for the next step”. I did not know that the steps would come to me so soon and that there would be so many steps – so much potential. Sharing Reiki will be just one. And that is beautiful in itself.

My Insights, received:
(During “Healing River of Life” meditation.)
1. The need to LET GO & good things will happen. Hand in hand with a want for GRACE & EASE in my life going forward. No need for obstacles. Focus on GRACE, EASE, NATURE, SURRENDER, LETTING GO. The TRUST that comes with letting go and loosing control … because we are looked after. There are things already in place that I can rely on (like my experience!), so I can let go and rely on that circle of trust. I don’t need to necessarily make so much effort. And I can ALLOW MYSELF TO HAVE A GOOD TIME!

(Following meditation)
2. The need to heal myself so I can best heal others. Therapists need therapy too! Any therapist will agree, and many like this idea. The need to be LOVED & RESPECTED. This changed, having shared my experience with the group, to me loving and respecting myself.

3. My Authentic Self is my inner child, who enjoys dressing up, finding the right outfit and SPACE CLEARING!

4. I was “shown” a health clinic close to where I live. As I’m trusting of my insight, that comes from Source, I have pursued this in the shape of an email, enquiring about opportunities there.

My insights were mainly intellectual/ideas-based. In previous Reiki courses, they have been visual eg. purple blobs that pulse and grow (third eye chakra colour), or pink and green (heart chakra colours). This lead to a fellow Master suggesting that I FEEL more and that I JUST BE. What is an insight if not shared?

(Second Ignition):
5. It’s OK for me to ACCEPT LOVE. It’s OK for me to lean on somebody; like others lean on me. I am safe to accept love, now. (That night I had dreamt that I was leaning on an old friend).

(Third Ignition):
In which my authentic self is revealed …
6. I saw myself in hospitals/hospices, with parents & kids, taking them under my wing and connecting them, giving them strength. Regressing dying adults to their past-lives to help them clear and understand themselves.

7. A theme arose again from Reiki Level II. The idea of being ultimately alone at birth and death. B-J (Master Teacher) reminded me that we are NOT BORN ALONE! which is comforting. I remember the floods of tears that this thought brought up for me on my Level II course!

8. Belief breeds Belief.

9. Do I want to continue to learn the easy way? or the hard way? … that it is what’s on the inside that matters – looks matter less.

10. I need to thank recruiters more for the work that they do.

11. The angle of the couch during a Hypnotherapy session … represents the required/desired trust between the client and myself. Up and at a slight angle, so they know (it represents) the choice that they have to accept or reject the suggestions given in the trance state.

12. I can go with the flow AND write lists!

13. Our shadows contain our greatest potential to GROW & HEAL💚

(Fourth Ignition):
14. My Authentic Self is NURTURING & WANTS THE BEST FOR OTHERS. Now to prepare to create space to align others with Reiki. Ask them, why? and how this journey started.

15. Focus on what you want. Not what needs healing. Focusing on dark brings more dark. Focus on the lightness of being. When it’s the right time, SHARP FOCUS can be put onto the shadows that need more light. We often forget to ASK! for help when we need it!

16. Continue to create a nurturing, loving home life for myself.

17. Focus on what I do have!

18. (Insight from B-J Raben) Give as much time to my heart as I do my head. Be still. Just BE. Then see what bubbles up.

19. The “partnership” page on my website needs to be for Healers/Teachers that I align with, have experienced and believe in. I won’t accept requests to be on the list, although feel free to subtly suggest you may like to be on the list – perhaps by offering a therapy swap 🙂

What is the essence of a Reiki Master (Teacher)?

Knowing that everyone and everything has a place in this world. Being Authentic. Someone that works on their own personal healing. Sees importance in continuing to develop themselves. Is mindful. Practices what they preach. Acknowledges that we all have healing potential and can change patterns. Accepts the negative side. Embraces working on our shadows. Works as a part of a community. Understands that Source knows you and understands you completely. Able to go into their Heart and tune into the Light. Loves, trusts, honours and respects themselves completely.

  1. TRUST


    Accepting these principles allows us to live in Peace & Happiness.

    … If people frustrate you, are they reflecting something in you? How can you release that?

    There is so much more to learn and share!

    Thank you for the lessons!


Holiday reflections, that continue into my everyday life ... so easily!

Peace is not a luxury. In Peaceful moments, what do you hear? What can your clear?

Emptiness really is a useful way to bring us back to ourselves. Self-care, massage, travel and meditation are my best ways to bring me back to my centre. I spent the last 10 days on a meditative retreat full of SUN! & the salty ocean, in which I have been able to notice my “head noise” … the thoughts and old beliefs that have left an impression on me and that I need to work on to release. People and friendships that don’t seem to serve me; yet in my mind I cannot let go of thoughts of them. Yet. Because right now I have something to learn from these attachments, I’m going to find the best way to free myself of them. Our challenges are our opportunities to GROW!!!

… The dominant thought I had towards the end of my break is unconditional love, which is why we’re here and what we all deserve. In peaceful moments, perhaps in nature, we can best listen to and hear our heart. So how do you best care for yourself? What is it that you need to re-balance yourself? What and who do you love unconditionally?

And listen for the wonderful thoughts that arise in your peaceful moments. Whether on holiday, during a Reiki treatment – on the bus – wherever. Somehow Shakespeare’s Sonnet 29 entered my mind when I was resting … a sonnet that I leant on when I was a stressed 17 year old, studying for my A-Levels …“Like to the lark at break of day arising … From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate” … Just beautiful.

Remember what you focus on grows. SO FOCUS ON YOURSELF! So that you can best serve others. You are the best and most reliable person for YOU … You initiate your own health and healing. You are the beginning of your healing journey in every moment! Every moment we can choose our responses, and how we interact with the world UNLESS WE LACK SELF-CARE (in which case we may be responding quickly, perhaps thoughtlessly, perhaps with anger & impatience – we’re all human … ) So if you’re busy thinking about old ideas; focus on new ones. If you need to take time for you … ask others around you if you must to help you to take this time to balance yourself. You know what you need. Sometimes we must learn to say “no” to work so we can take time-out to better ourselves. This takes discipline. Or it does for me, as I love my work.

Clinical Hypnotherapy is just one therapy that can help us “clear up” old limiting beliefs, to clear the way for more of what we DO want in our lives. How much are you prepared to risk, grow and compromise to get the life that you desire? What does your ideal day look like? You may start by writing these things down. Take small steps, one step at a time. Because everything that you create starts with an idea!

Happy clearing, healing and manifesting.

If you need me to facilitate your healing, I’m here.


Shakespeare Sonnet 29

When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes
I all alone beweep my outcast state,
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,
And look upon myself, and curse my fate,
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featured like him, like him with friends possessed,
Desiring this man's art, and that man's scope,
With what I most enjoy contented least;
Yet in these thoughts my self almost despising,
Haply I think on thee, and then my state,
Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate;
   For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings
   That then I scorn to change my state with kings.

All Healing is Self-Healing!

All Healing is self-healing & is measured in your commitment to make it so.

Therapists are Facilitators to healing and healing can only take place when you allow it.

Your giving the go-ahead is the first and MAJOR step towards your healing and vitality and growth. Which we all deserve!

So ask for help when you need it & receive the glorious fruits!

Usui Reiki Affirmation Creation & Installation Session, 90 minutes, £111.


Usui Reiki Affirmation Creation & Installation Session, 90 minutes, £111.
(30 minute Affirmation Creation & 60 minute Reiki Installation).

I spent the weekend receiving attunements to the Third Master Level of Reiki with Richard Ellis, Donna Van Vuuren & Cathy Board.

This new offering is a natural progression of my Master Reiki practice and big thanks to Richard, Donna & Cathy and their Masterful influence.

During the attunements my dominant feelings were about nature & wanting to get beyond the noise, beyond the inside … and just get out into nature. Secondly, Trust was the thought that closely followed. Of course my interpretation of having received these thoughts is that Trust In Nature is the way forward. Then with the additional attunement I had a feeling that I am ready to move forward into a reality in which my Affirmation is a part of my absolute potential.

I’m so looking forward to sharing this space & time with you to help you on your way to reach your goals & ambitions!

If you’d like a graphic produced as a reminder of your Affirmation this can be available for £30, unframed, examples to follow.

Screen Shot 2019-03-26 at 22.25.22.png